Foundation of a Branch Office in Liechtenstein
The establishment of an independent branch office in Liechtenstein makes sense for the separation of business areas, preparation of corporate transactions because of the advantages of legal arrangements, because of the tax framework and possibilities for tax optimisation.
The branch office cannot be a bearer of rights and obligations itself, it is dependent on the parent company. It can be managed as an independent company and act independently in economic and business terms. It is subject to Liechtenstein law and is treated like a Liechtenstein company. However, it is not a Liechtenstein company.
Please contact us for a non-binding enquiry by phone or e-mail or use the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Legal Aspects
Branches can be established in Liechtenstein by foreign corporations. A minimum capital is not required. However, a business licence and an entry in the commercial register are necessary. The company name must include the name and location of the main branch office as well as the location of the branch office.
Our services:
Back office, business registration, commercial register registration, management, tax accounting
Distinction from subsidiary and permanent establishment
The establishment of a true subsidiary creates a legally independent company that operates independently of its parent company.
At least the existence of a permanent establishment is required in Liechtenstein in order to carry on a trade. The related tax law problems are difficult and usually require advice.