Finance / Accounting-Service

Accounting, tax returns, financial statements, balance sheets

Liechtenstein fundamentally redesigned its tax law in 2011. It is simple, internationally compatible and EU-compliant despite the favourable tax rates.

The income tax for all legal persons domiciled in Liechtenstein is 12.5% of the taxable net income. Minimum tax/year : 1,800 Swiss Francs. The tax base does not include:

Dividends, capital gains, foreign permanent establishment income, foreign rental and lease income, real estate gains, capital contributions and capital gains from inheritance, bequest or gift.

Asset management companies that do not carry out any economic activity (PAS) are only subject to a minimum annual income tax of 1,800 Swiss Francs.

Trusts domiciled or administered in Liechtenstein are not assessed for tax purposes and are only subject to a minimum annual income tax of 1,800 Swiss Francs.

Our Finance / Accounting Service

We prepare/finish for our clients and your structures:

  • Bookkeeping, on request day-to-day bookkeeping, securities bookkeeping, real estate management bookkeeping
  • Financial statements, annual financial statements, balance sheets, interim financial statements, beneficiary accounts
  • Tax returns
  • Tax correspondence

Our tax team is reliable, fast, competent.

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